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Selectmen's Minutes 09/25/2006

September 25, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, William Roach, Richard Leone and Frederick Gallup.   Town Manager Donna Nashawaty

ABSENT:  Selectman Stephen White

OTHERS PRESENT:  Dowst, Reporter for the Eagle Times

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 7:00 PM.


There were no comments from the public.


There were no appointments.


Please see copy of agenda attached to the file copy of these minutes.


A.  Discussion Master Plan Meeting October 19, 2006

Emma Smith explained to the Board that the Master Plan is being review and rewritten by the Planning Board and the Planning Board wishes to meet with all Town Officials to hear what they foresee for the future of the Town of Sunapee.  Fred Gallup stated that one thing he has thought about was the possible need to increase the town’s fleet, i.e. fire trucks, cruisers, highway trucks and equipment, etc.  Another item he feels is extremely important is what will the town do with it’s recycling program and disposal of solid waste.  The town should investigate the difference in cost from hiring a disposal firm or investing on equipment to dispose of the waste itself.  F. Fred stated that trucking is the most expensive issue.  Donna Nashawaty stated that she and the Road Agent, Tony Bergeron, have been working on this issue to bring back some ideas to the Board of Selectmen.  They are still calculating the amount of trips that need to be taken and how much solid waste is generated.   She and T. Bergeron will present recommendations to the Board when they have obtained this information.  D. Nashawaty stated that an under roof storage area is also an issue.  
Board of Selectmen
September 25, 2006

F. Gallup stated that he thought the Town Hall (present) should be the last on the list as it is receiving renovations this year.  He did add that a demand in services by the community could be an issue.

William Roach agreed stating that population growth potential should be addressed.  Richard Leone stated the growth in population is not necessarily children but retired couples.  E. Smith stated that there has been an increase in children that go to the library.  

R. Leone asked what the status was with hiring Jeff Taylor to perform a Charette for Sunapee.  E. Smith said that the Planning Board will be presenting an article in the 2007 warrant to raise between $3,000 and $4,000.  D. Nashawaty feels that the Planning Board should request an article for the full amount which could run up to $30,000+.  E. Smith will discuss this with the Planning Board at next weeks meeting.

D. Nashaway feels that future housing developments should be addressed in that are they year round homes or vacation homes.   W. Roach agreed and thinks it should be addressed on how this will affect the water and sewer departments.  He feels that more sewage taken in at the plant will have to bring on big changes.  Also the water plant needs to be investigated.  

To recap, it was felt that the following items and issues would be brought to the Planning Board:
      Possible need to increase the town’s fleet (fire trucks, police cruisers, highway
      trucks, etc.)
       What will the town do for disposal of solid waste?  The need to supply under
       roof storage.

      The need for a professional Charrette

       Possible increase in population which would place more demands on services
       provided by the town.

       Future housing development.

       Possible increased use in the water and sewer department.

B.  Review of BAC Guidelines

D. Nashawaty gave the Board a copy of the 1996 BAC guidelines.  She has had it double spaced so if the Board wishes to make changes, there will some room for writing.  Emma Smith has arranged a meeting of two members each from the BAC, School Board and Board of Selectmen.  The meeting is scheduled for October 4 at 5:30 PM in the Town
Board of  Selectmen
September 25, 2006

Hall.  Emma Smith and Richard Leone will represent the Board of Selectmen.  D. Nashawaty reminded the Board that the BAC is short  one member.  She also wants to stress to the BAC its legal responsibility to keep minutes for their meetings and to post notices of when they hold a meeting.  D. Nashawaty offered to attend one of the meetings if the Board wanted her to.  She could explain this information to the members of the BAC.  E. Smith will discuss this matter at the October 4 meeting.  Board members offered to contact people to get someone as soon as possible to fill the vacancy.   The BAC guidelines will be on the agenda for the next Selectmen’s meeting.  For budget negotiations, R. Leone asked D. Nashawaty to find out  how much it would cost on the tax rate to raise $100,000.

C.  Building Permit:  Town Office

D. Nashawaty presented the Board for their signatures, a building permit for the Town Office renovations.  She also showed the plans of the renovations.  D. Nashawaty  told the Board that the new maintenance man, Graig Heino, was doing a lot of the renovations.  She stated that he was doing a very good job and is now working in the basement.  She has plans to hire local people.  She is getting pricing of general contractors from LaValley’s.

D.  Town Hall Open Dates

D. Nashawaty distributed a memo of the hours the Tax Collector and Town Clerk will be holding for the remainder of the year.  D. Nashawaty also discussed the holiday time of the Town Clerk and Tax Collector.  The holidays her office has off differ from the holidays the others employees of the Town have.  The Clerk’s office has the same holidays as the state, post office and banks.  The days off that the Clerk’s office has and other employees don’t are Martin Luther King Day, Columbus Day and President’s Day.  Motion was made by Fred Gallup to allow those days off for all town employees.  These will not be paid  holidays.  The motion was seconded by William Roach.  The vote was unanimous and the motion carried.  D. Nashawaty stated that this can change anytime should the Selectmen receive complaints.   This change will be put on the Sunapee web page.  

Since the first meeting in October is on Columbus Day, D. Nashawaty asked the Board if the wished to meet.  William Roach expressed concern about parking at the harbor.  The Board had agreed in summer to discuss the matter once the summer was over in one of their October meetings.  He doesn’t  to want drop the matter and has been driving through the harbor area to view parking.  What really bothers him is that people are parking their trailers at the gym and then disconnect them from their vehicles and drives the vehicle and parks at the harbor.  He is disturbed that the matter of no place to park is harming the local businesses.  Often times the vehicle remains parked in the harbor all day.  The weekends are worse than the weekdays.  Fred Gallup wondered if putting
Board of Selectmen
September 25, 2006

parking meters at the harbor would help deter all day parking.  F. Gallup and W. Roach discussed locking the boat launches.  Also discussed was an ordinance that would make disconnecting the trailer from the vehicle illegal.    Emma Smith suggested that the Board have a special meeting to discuss the issue and possibly invite Biff, Artie Osborne and Police Chief David Cahill.  F. Gallup agreed adding that a public hearing should be held at a later time.  It was agreed that the Board would meet on October 16, 2006 at 7 PM to discuss parking at the harbor.  The Board will not meet on October 9, 2006.


Emma Smith stated that she has not gotten in touch with Arlene Adams but will keep trying.  E. Smith also reported that she would not be able to attend the October 23 Selectmen’s meeting.

D. Nashawaty led discussion on gas docks being installed at the Community Store.  She will be in touch with Town Counsel about this.  

D. Nashawaty reported that she and William Roach attended the county meeting to discuss a corrected MS42 (revenue sheet).  The meeting was being held by the County Delegation.  D. Nashawaty  state that it was determined that the money was there but in the wrong headings.  The county supposedly had a fund balance and ended taking out double the amount of the fund balance.  This made the revenues under estimated.   William Roach reported that the audit on the county handling of funds was very unfavorable to the County.  The auditors reported that action needed to be taken immediately concerning the handling of  county finances.


A.  Septage Spill – Georges Mills

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board of the septage spilling from the New London pumping station on Route 11.  She stated that she was very pleased with the response by New London to the site when the spill was called in.  The station is located in Georges Mills and is owned by the Town of New London.  D. Nashawaty explained how and why the spill occurred.  Somehow a plastic connection cracked and the pump failed  The pipe was replaced and the spill was reported to the state.  D. Nashawaty stated that she closed the Georges Mills beach due to the spill.  D. Nashawaty would like to send a letter  to the Town of New London  and to the Water & Sewer Commissioners.  She stated that this incident made her realize that a plan of action is needed in such  circumstances.  The plan would include who the spill would be reported to – such as a chain of action.  She did not learn of the spill until the day after it happened.

Board of Selectmen
September 25, 2006

B.  Calendar of Dates – SB2 Town

D. Nashawaty presented the Board with a calendar showing the time frames for the annual budget process and creation of the warrant.  It was agreed that the budget hearing will be held January 10, 2007 at the school gym.   The warrant needs to be posted by January 29.  The deliberative session will be held February 5, 2007.  This will also be held at the school gym.  Both the hearing and deliberative session will begin at 7 PM.  The annual reports need to be done by March 3, 2007 and the date to vote will be March 13, 2007.  The schedule will be sent to the school and SAU office.  

C.  Safety Services Open House

Donna Nashawaty informed the Board of the individuals she invited to attend the open house and asked if they could think of anyone they wished to invite.  She explained that there will be guided tours of the building.  She will also have a quest sign-in book.

Fred Gallup asked what the status was on the old fire ladder truck.  D. Nashawaty stated that she would look into this.


Richard Leone asked if D. Nashawaty had received any information on the cemetery by-laws.  D. Nashawaty stated that she has forwarded the information to Town Counsel and is awaiting a reply.

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that the financial reports to date were placed in their mail boxes at the office.  She stated everything looks good and all departments are staying in line.

D. Nashawaty informed the Board that she will not be in the office until Friday.

Fred Gallup reported that he met with Ron Garceau about restoring the old highway roller.

Board of Selectmen
September 25, 2006

The meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse            Approved________________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                    Stephen W. White, Vice Chairman

William Roach                           Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup